30 - 30 - 30 - 30
30 - 30 - 30 - 30 -format
our practices are always 25 minutes or less. so with this format we go for 24 minutes total. choose 3 moovements. do each mooovement for 30 seconds one after the other. the rest comes with the last 30 seconds. repeat this 4 times. for a total of 8 minutes for the each round.
then moove onto the next series of 3 moovements u choose. follow the same routine as the 1st series of 3 mooves
now do the same thing for the last 3 moove series
this winds up being 9 total moovements each done 4 times
choose your moovements thoughtfully for a great practice. this format can target pretty much any area u care to identify
sample 30 - 30 - 30 -30 practice
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