Imoove philosophy

RosalieMaa Imoove Philosophy

I have a body to serve the purpose of my life….
to live vibrant, awake and aware as I grow the organic and ever-evolving balance between body and spirit.

I Moove…
to serve the purpose of my body–
to live healthy, functional and free,..
attuning to and affirming…
I am powerful, potent, and possible
in the Now as Never Before.

A daily IMOOVE EVENT is a SACRED CONTRACT between my body and I….

I got the message very early on in life–
this body is a gift worthy of time, care, and attention. 
Yoga and dance 
opened the portals:
Moove-Meant is imprinted on the cells of my body. Moove-meant fuels the fire of my soul.
Moove-meant grows  the 
vitality and energy with which I can fulfill my incarnated potential.

I meet myself…
25 minutes a day to breathe, sweat, exert physical effort and harness physical force, build strength, character, discipline, 
and perseverance… 
with a hefty helping of  power, joy, and play.

Michaels Imoove Philosophy since age 15

  At  age 15 I joined my 1st gym with the basic Imoove philosophy in mind [although  i never knew it then] 

  I would engage in a fitness dscipline for life with the basic philosophy my body needed to moove.

   The moovements would incorporate as many muscles as possible so they would make friends with each other, become good teamates.

  Taking ownership of my Imoove & commiting to including the practices in my lifestyle would  develope & maintain a full range of motion & allow for me to remain fully functional in mind & body for life 

  I knew then it would matter more as I aged 

  I was curious to see what the human body was capable of over the course of a lifetime if it was given what it needed

  I dont have to be the biggest, strongest, baddest no. IMOOVE allows my body to find its sweet spot, to be the best version of me that I can be. 


  1. 25 minutes a day– a professional grade IMoove practice
    personally adapted to and interpreted by me, in accordance with my level and capacity.
  2. challenge myself on a daily basis to be a little better today than yesterday–
    the best version of myself possible with the tools that I have been given…
    to do the right thing even and especially when no one is looking.
  3. The IMoove practice builds the foundation of strong muscles and bones, heart and lungs…beyond the borders of my skin-
    to my unique and original Source Connection–
    Self awareness, Self consciousness, Self value, and Self Love.
  4. I reinforce my sense of self worth with conscious, positive self talk, transforming negativity into Life lessons, experience, and Wisdom.
  5. Our life holds unlimited possibility to fulfill its highest purpose and potential.
  6. Just by showing up regularly, I reap the cumulative benefit that insures my individual and inevitable SUCCESS!
    (Mental clarity, shirts that fit a little better, stairs are at my command,
  7. I take responsibility for and develop a strong, fulfilling relationship with Self.

A daily practice of 25 minutes is a sacred act — precious and relevant time that shapes our reality and infuses it with the original wellness with which we have been endowed.