
ladder format

example of a ladder format and there could be as many as a person could get creative with, limited only by the imagination.

 one of my favorites is a 25 min practice.  the timer is set for 12.5 minutes which is 1/2 way thru the allowed time.  and then again at the end of the 25 minutes.  

 i will normally pick 4 or 5 different moovements and we will start with 1 rep of each moovement, then come back and do 2 moovements thru the exersizes, then 3 and so on up the ladder until the timer beeps at 12.5 minutes. the idea being to get as high up the rep ladder as possible. 

 at the beep we finish the round we are on then start down the ladder by dropping a rep each time thru a round with the goal to complete down to the  round of 1 before the time runs out. 

 i like this format because it encourages me to compete a bit harder on the way down or the back half of the practice tyring to beat the clock and complete my final round of 1 


 another option is to choose 5 thoughtful moovements and start the 25 minute timer.  this ladder would look like a 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 -,4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – format.  the idea is to start at the 10 reps doing each of the 5 moovements before starting the next round at the 9 reps and so on down to the round of 1.    of course the start number is flexible depending on your level of fitness.  i find 10 is a load and about right for me.  some days depending on the moovements chosen i may start at 9 reps.  


 as always rest is taken when u need it  and believe me you will as u progress thru the practice

sample ladder practice

Service 2



Service 3

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