Sample practices

speed & quikness practice

this practice is targeting our ability to move at full speed, challenge our quik feet & hands from both vertical & horizontal positions. This also works on hand eye co-ordination and quik thinking. In my opinion this practice is essential. As we age and stage thru life almost everyone starts to loose the ability to moove fast. watch kids play in the play ground.  they sprint, rest, change direction quickly, crawl around, get up and go again. we we get after this system about once every 2 weeks. There is every reason to maintain this system and i cant think of any not to. I love to moove & think fast  

cardio practice

this system is often neglected. As a lifetime tradesman I saw that the average person employed in the trades can remain strong if they dont beat their bodies up to bad.  their weaknedd was in the under developed cardio system  and just look around you  it seems that this is the normal rather than the exception in the general population.  the heart and lungs are muscles that require use and challenges as much or more than any other muscle in the body   this practice will target the cardio system                                                                                       

strenght practice

it should be obvious that remaining strong thru out our life, maintaining muscle mass and bone density is very desireable.  to remain strong allows us to be capable, injury resistant & independant  so this practice will target the strenght in our muscles   a great by product is lifting heavy things also strengthens our bones. look at gymnists  their bones are incredibly strong.   here we will also include some jumping or skipping to create the impact on the bone structure  we strengthen muscles and bones here                                                                                       

full body practice

one of the main philosophys at Imoove is to engage in moovements that require as many muscles involved as possible   we ask the variuos muscles to make friends with each other   a full body practice does just what it says using all the muscles of the body working together including the cardio system                                                                                                                                        

animal practice

this practice directs the body to moove in an unusual range of motion for most humans.  a lot of animal type moovements, from horizontal to vertical and back to horizontal.  most of us as we age and stage thru life become less and less comfortable being on the ground or moving horizontally   this practice directs us thru that range    very functional practice 

balance practice

this practice allows for the maintainance and development of our ability to moove off uneven surfaces under load or body weight form high to low   carry uneven loads over rough terrain  a lot of single leg moovements and 2 or 3 point stance mooves